WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Integrated Land Management Advisory Forum Tuesday 6 March 2007, Braemar Village Hall Lunch: 12.30 Meeting starts: 13.30 Tea/Coffee: 15:30 Finish: 16:00 MEETING AGENDA 1 WELCOME AND APOLOGIES 2 MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (9 November 2006) 3 SCOTTISH RURAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Pat Snowdon of SEERAD Rural Development Policy and Planning will provide an update on the SRDP and Land Management Contracts. Hear, first hand, the latest available information on options for land managers, regionalisation and delivery mechanisms. 4 WILDFIRE A presentation by Matt Davies of Centre for the Study of Environmental Change and Sustainability on the benefits of prescribed fire and threats of wildfire. 5 PLANNING TO SUCCEED Malcolm Morrison of Smith’s Gore on the establishment of a three year partnership project funded by CNPA, Crofters Commission and HIE; aimed at working with farmers to help promote the success of their business. 6 NATIONAL PARK PLAN Update on the Cairngorms National Park Plan process by David Bale 7 CAIRNGORMS DEER ADVISORY GROUP Update from Colin McClean 8 ANY OTHER BUSINESS 9 DATE OF NEXT MEETING INVITEES Members of the forum Nicola Abrams, David Balharry, Michael Blackburn, Richard Cooke, Marina Dennis, Roy Dennis, Bob Dunsmore, Ian Francis, John Grant, Chris Hewitt, James Innes, Calum Kippen, Roger Knight, Alister Laing, Frank Law, Robert MacDonald, Thomas MacDonnell, Alastair MacLennan (Chair), James MacFarlane, Davie MacLeod, Helen McDade, Vivian Montgomery, Edward Mountain, Steve North, Ms Kathy Peebles, Anne Rae, Colin Shedden, Adam Smith, Eoin Smith, Kenny Taylor, Vicky Thomson, Simon Thorpe, Jeremy Usher Smith, Drennan Watson, Mark Young. Others Pat Snowdon, Matt Davies, Malcolm Morrison, Michael Bruce, Simon Blackett, Peter Ord, Mark Nicholson CNPA Board Alastair MacLennan, Andrew Rafferty, Angus Gordon, Basil Dunlop, Bob Wilson, Bruce Luffman, David Green, David Selfridge, Douglas Glass, Duncan Bryden, Eleanor Mackintosh, Eric Baird, Gregor Rimell, JM Marcus Humphrey, Lucy Grant, Anne MacLean, Nonie Coulthard, Richard Stroud, Ross Watson, Sandy Park, Sheena Slimon, Stuart Black, Susan Walker, Willie McKenna. CNPA Staff David Bale, Will Boyd-Wallis, Fiona Chalmers, Colin McClean. DIRECTIONS From Ballater direction turn right onto the main road through Braemar. The police station is on the right side of the road and the village hall is directly opposite on the left side. From Perth/Dundee/Blairgowrie direction drive into village past the Fife Arms Hotel. The police station is on the left side and the village hall is directly opposite on the right hand side. The village hall does not have its own car park so you will have to park on the road outside.